Friday, January 7, 2011

Cold and Wool

I can say how much I love wool clothes?  I have a new wool sweater, and my wool army pants from the thrift store.  They're awesome, and additionally I look pretty good in the sweater.

Because you know how you get super cold hands and feet when you just sit around a cold house?  Like on the computer, maybe playing computer games?  I don't know and I don't want to point fingers.  But wrapped up in the body hair ripped off of ruminant that was strapped down to a board and shaved, you know it really makes a good pair of pants.

Unfortunately, working at a wine shop as I do means that there are few (affordable) wool clothes that I can keep on all day.  This saddens me, alternately I could get some swank wool pants but I can't put the money toward it just yet.  So here's to pants and good looking sweaters.


M said...

I don't think the ruminants are usually strapped down anywhere, or have anything ripped off anywhere. Just snuggled and given a hair cut.

L said...

We did see that one get a hair cut once. It was just getting (firmly) snuggled and sheared.