Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Drafting it up

Guess who finally cut apart the Christmas Tree this morning?  It was me. 

I have been working through some drafting reference books (ie For Dummies) to improve my computer drafting.  Its been pretty fascinating in its own idiosyncratic way.  Its something I have had little formal training in and to be honest I outpaced my instructors at college pretty quickly.  Looking out at other people in my industry who have had year long and more classes on drafting for the theatre, I feel behind.  I'm pretty competent but not a whole lot more than that.  Additionally, I actually find the process fun.

I mean, I don't giggle in anticipation of sitting in front of a CAD program for hours on end.  Nor do I sing anthems to the utility of a protractor and compass.  But, its kind of cool.  I always wanted to be able to draw, but I hate practicing and its not fun enough to really encourage me to do it.  CAD drawing though is simple for me and I can rock out an object that at the end of the day can be a physical object.  It feeds my love of construction.

Doodling out a bunch of lines on a piece of paper isn't the most impressive thing by itself.  (Until you start adding rendered textures and lighting and all of a sudden you're a 3D designer)  Anyway I got to get back to my studies. 

 Topic Ideas for Next Post:

- Cannibals as Literary Trope
- Mid Century Modern Dinner Party Ideas

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