Sunday, February 13, 2011

Word Use

Wine Shoppe, where I work, has a pretty high turnover.  I have been there for almost 6 months and have seen at least 5 people start and quit in that time.  There's a lot of reasons for this, the pay is really only a little over minimum, some of the staff can be assholes, and people decide they have other places to be.  All that said I have gotten used to introducing myself to a lot of people, who I am, what I do, etc etc.  The part where this apparently messes other people up a little is when I say that I moved to town because my partner goes to grad school.

Long story short I have now had a number of conversations with people about how they thought I was gay.  I've never been offended by these assumptions, but its made me wonder how much people read into a simple two word phrase.  I mean, the reasons I say "my partner" are pretty simple.  The relationship my SO and I have is more serious than "boyfriend and girlfriend" connotes, and people look at me strangely when I call her "my comrade."

The new people are usually confused and try to clarify, but subtly.  Subtly, enough that I can't tell whether or not they misspoke.

New Girl: What does he study?
Me: Who?
New Girl: Your partner, at Big-Fancy-U?
Me: Oh she's in the Department, studying Thing-Thats-Explanation
New Girl: (thinking) Did he say "he's" or "she's"
Me: (thinking) Wait did she say "he"?
(awkwardly continue conversation briefly, what I think about Town of Big-Fancy-U etc)
Me: I'm gonna go make sure there's enough booze over there, in a different part of the store.


Because there's no good way to say "Do you think I'm gay?  Because I'm not gay, and you have made a mistake.  A mistake that I've noticed, and I'm judging you on." (Town of Big-Fancy-U is a very liberal place, a good thing)  Anyway, I dealt with the last one via an intermediary.  Asking Less New Girl to  work it into conversation because New Girl had made a lot of "he" comments and most people in Wine Shoppe know that my partner is a lady.  I could see this being very embarrassing for her if someone mentioned it to her after she'd been around for a while.
This apparently worked.

I hear we're hiring more people in a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Maritza said...

lol....I have come close to running into the same problem and know other adults (it really is kind of weird to say "boyfriend" when we've been together longer than the span of time it takes a lot of people to meet, date, marry, and divorce). Usually I just say boyfriend, cause it's easier. So thank you for doing what I am too lazy to!!